#24 Hey, Honey – local is lekker!

As you can’t have helped noticing, says VERNE MAREE, Big, Bad Sugar is the new villain on the block, having taken the place of fat. Now fat is good, as long as it is good fat. That generally holds true wherever you’ve planted your flag in the diet wars. (Except for low-fat vegans, who are unlikely to make old bones… or be reading this blog.)

But there may be a special place reserved for honey. There’s most definitely a place for it in my Low Carb, No Crap™ diet and lifestyle plan.

Postcode honey – as local as it gets! Photo credit: Carrie Titchmarsh

That’s because I don’t believe carbs are the enemy, either… unless they’re carbage, like anything white and refined. Eating the Low Carb, No Crap™ way doesn’t mean villifying carbs. (It’s more about choosing your carbs selectively, and according to your unique needs and tolerance levels.)

#23 Top Dental Health Hacks

When it comes to top dental health hacks, a great smile is the least of it, says VERNE MAREE. Poor dental and oral health might be undermining your vitality and shortening your life in ways you may never have imagined. Read on for more – and all you never wanted to know about Vitamin K2!

Good health is about nutrition, exercise, good sleep and proper oral hygiene. Dr Judson Wall

Before introducing Dr Judson Wall properly, I’ll cut to the chase with his four simple steps to oral hygiene.