# 26 Uric Acid Part 1: Gouty Tales

Optimal uric acid levels are important, as I’ve recently discovered. Roy says, somewhat sourly*, that I love buying gadgets and machines – and I do! But the gadgets I invest in are relatively small and inexpensive, especially considering their health benefits. 

My latest acquisition is a UA Sure uric acid monitor.

All this – monitor, finger-pricking device, lancets, test strips, log book and more – for well under A$160. A modest investment in our health, right?

And here is Roy’s latest project: the house we’re building in Iluka, WA:

I rest my case.

*The sourness could be explained by the fact that I have been going on a bit about the possible dangers of too much fructose (some fruits, honey, but especially the high fructose corn syrup in ultra-processed junk food); alcohol; and purines (found in all sorts of otherwise healthy foods). So it could just be that poor Roy is afraid of being denied everything that has, so far, made life worth living.

#19 When to Eat

When to eat might be as important a question as what to eat. VERNE MAREE spills the beans on how Roy and she are faring with Intermittent Fasting (IF) and Time-Restricted Feeding (TRF).

It’s not just what you eat that matters. When you eat is important, too. I’m a firm believer in both intermittent fasting and time-restricted feeding. If you’re not already on track, why not give it a try?

#11 How Much Fat Do We Need to Eat?

How much fat we need depends on other things – how many carbs we can tolerate, for example, and what sort of fat we choose. Saturated fats from sustainably pastured animals is a pretty good start.

Note: The droolworthy featured image (above) is from the cover of The Big Fat Surprise, by Nina Teicholz

How much fat

I’ve always liked this old 16th-century English rhyme, mainly because it sounded just like my parents – my tall, skinny, carrot-crunching father and my plump, butter-loving mother. Luckily, though I inherited her penchant for pork crackling, fatty lamb chops and anything sautéed in butter, I also inherited a tendency to Dad’s lanky frame – as long as I curb my cursed sweet tooth!

#3 Low-carb substitutes – how not to fall off the low-carb wagon

Try these easy, gluten-free and low-carb substitutes – almond meal, paleo seed bread, konjac, natural low-carb sweetener, plus ways with cauliflower that are almost too good to be true.

Going low-carb can be an effective diet strategy for shedding excess fat and keeping it off – apart from multiple other benefits that I will get to in future posts.

Here’s how I used easy comfort food substitutes to help Roy lose 35kg – and they certainly worked for him! An amazingly effective tool in lifestyle and body transformation, they can be useful for anyone practising keto, or simply cutting back on carbs for blood glucose control, metabolic flexibility or general health, wellness and longevity.