#4 What is a biohacker, and why am I one?

What is a biohacker, and why do I call myself one? For me, why I’m a biohacker is to optimise health and wellness, longevity and health-span. In other words, living long and strong! Like to give it a try?

Especially important is health-span – meaning the length of time I’m living a useful, happy and productive life. What’s the point of lingering on to 120 if you can’t dress yourself, scramble your own eggs or recognise your great-grandchildren?

#2 My Low-carb Lifestyle Plan for Weight Loss

This post explains our low-carb lifestyle: the low-carb, no-crap, whole-food plan that helped my husband Roy lose 35kg over 18 months and come off his blood pressure meds.  Apart from what to eat, it’s also about intermittent fasting, cooking from scratch and moderate exercise.

Before photos

French meal confit
Roy before Nambiti
Roy before wedding
Roy before Singapore
Roy before
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After a long summer 2019 of gastronomic excess in France, followed by my extended birthday celebrations in South Africa, then niece Charlie’s fancy wedding in London (via France), and a gluttonish stopover in Singapore, when we got to Perth WA at the end of February 2020, Roy was the first to admit he needed to cut back for a while – but neither of us had the slightest inkling of how successful he was going to be.